PRESTIGE 7 Android Tablet Guide Book
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All other marks and trademarks are properties of their
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The content of this guide including images/illustrations
may differ in some details from the product or its software.
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PRESTIGE 7 Android Tablet Guide Book
Table of Contents
1. Get Started............................................................Page 3
2. Play & Explore.......................................................Page 4
3. Tune Performance................................................Page 14
4. Enter & Edit Text..................................................Page 18
5. Connect to Networks...........................................Page 21
6. Connect to Keyboards, Mice & Other Devices...Page 29
7. Connect to a Computer.......................................Page 31
8. Manage Accounts................................................Page 34
9.Change Backup & Reset Options.........................Page 37
10.Secure Your Tablet.............................................Page 39
11. Work With Certificates.....................................Page 43
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Getting Started
Power On & Sign In
To turn on your Prestige 7, press the Power button on the
right edge near the top for a few seconds, then release it.
Charge the battery
The battery may not be fully charged at first. It’s a good
idea to fully charge it as soon as you can.
The Prestige 7 can be charged 2 ways. With the power
adapter, connect the power adapter to the Prestige 7 and
to a power outlet. With a USB, connect the included USB
cable to the Prestige 7 and to a computer that is powered
on. (Note: charging via USB is slower than via power
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Play & Explore
Browse Home Screens
To move between Home screens, swipe left or right.
To resize a widget, touch & hold, then let go and drag the
blue dots. To remove it, touch & hold, then drag it to the
Remove icon at the top of the screen.
Tap Status Bar for Notifications
Notifications alert you to the arrival of new messages,
calendar events, and alarms, as well as ongoing events,
such as video downloads.
When a notification arrives, its icon appears at the bottom
of the screen. Icons for pending notifications appear on the
left, and system icons showing things like Wi-Fi signal or
battery strength on the right.
To open the notifications shade, swipe up from the bottom
or tap the bar to expand it:
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Certain notifications can be expanded to show more
information, such as email previews or calendar events. To
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expand or collapse a notification, use two fingers to either
swipe vertically or twist together.
To open the related app, touch the notification icon on the
left. Some notifications also allow you to take specific
actions by touching icons within the notification. For
example, Calendar notifications allow you to Snooze
(remind you later) or send email to other guests.
When you’re finished with a notification, just swipe it away
to the left or right. If you want to dismiss all notifications,
touch the Dismiss icon at the top of the notification shade.
Getting Around
At the bottom of every Prestige 7 screen, no matter what
you’re doing, you’ll always find these three navigation
Opens the previous screen you were working in, even if it
was in a different app. Once you back up to the Home
screen, you can’t go back any further in your history.
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Opens Home. If you’re viewing a left or right Home screen,
opens the central Home screen.
Recent Apps
Opens a list of thumbnail images of apps you’ve worked
with recently. To open an app, touch it. To remove a
thumbnail from the list, swipe it left or right.
After a short time without getting used, these buttons may
shrink to dots or fade away, depending on the current app.
To bring them back, touch their location.
Touch & Type
Use your fingers to manipulate icons, buttons, menus, the
on-screen keyboard, and other items on the touch screen.
You can also change the screen’s orientation.
To select or activate something, touch it.
To type something, such as a name, password, or search
terms, just touch where you want to type. A keyboard
pops up that lets you type into the field.
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Other common gestures include:
Touch & Hold: Touch & hold an item on the screen by
touching it and not lifting your finger until an action occurs.
Drag: Touch & hold an item for a moment and then,
without lifting your finger, move your finger on the screen
until you reach the target position. For example, you can
move apps around on the Home screen.
Swipe or Slide: Quickly move your finger across the surface
of the screen, without pausing when you first touch (so
you don’t drag something instead). For example, you can
slide a Home screen left or right to view the other Home
Double-tap: Tap quickly twice on a webpage, map, or
other screen to zoom. For example, double-tap a picture in
browser to zoom in, and double-tap again to zoom out.
Pinch: in some apps (such as Maps, browser, and Gallery),
you can zoom in and out by placing two fingers on the
screen at once and pinching them together (to zoom out)
or spreading them apart (to zoom in).
Rotate the Screen: on most screens, the orientation of the
screen rotates with your device as you turn it. You can
change this in display settings.
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On the All Apps screen or the Utilities home screen, notice
the settings icon. This brings you to the settings screens for
your tablet, where you can adjust things like network,
sound, and account settings, among many others.
TIP: To get to Settings quickly no matter what screen
you’re on, swipe up your Notifications from the top of any
screen and touch the small
settings icon near the top.
To change your tablet’s notification sounds, volumes, and
more, go to
Settings > Device > Sound.
To change your tablet’s brightness, font size, and more, go
Settings > Device > Display.
Lock Screen
Depending how you use your tablet, you may want to set
some form of automatic screen lock to prevent
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unauthorized access. if a lock has been set, the screen
locks when your tablet’s display goes to sleep.
When you touch the power button to wake up a locked
tablet, you must take some action, ranging from a simple
swipe to typing a lengthy password, to unlock it.
You can set locks of different strengths using your tablet’s
lock settings. To do so, go to
Settings > Personal > Security > Screen lock and touch
the type of lock you’d like to use.
IMPORTANT: If you set a pattern or password unlock you
MUST remember it. If you forget it, there is no way of
unlocking your tablet without restoring it to the factory
settings which will erase all data on your tablet.
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Access Your Content
To resize a widget, touch & hold, then let go and drag the
blue dots. To remove it, touch & hold, then drag it to the
Remove icon at the top of the screen.
To add a widget, touch and hold on an empty part of the
home screen, then select Widgets from the popup menu
and swipe from up until you see the one you want. If there
is proper space for the widget it'll be placed on the home
Use apps
To see all your apps, touch All Apps at the bottom on any
home screen. The main All Apps screen opens. This is
where you can see all your apps. You can move app icons
to any of your Home screens.
From All Apps, you can
Move Between Screens: swipe up or down.
Launch an App: Touch its icon.
Place an app icon on a Home screen: Touch & hold the
app icon, slide your finger, and lift your finger to drop the
icon in place.
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To remove an app icon from the Home screen, touch and
hold it, slide your finger toward the top of the screen, and
drop the app over the
Remove icon .
Most apps include a Menu icon near the top or bottom of
the screen that lets you control the app’s settings.
Organize Your Home screens
To move an app or widget icon to a different location on a
Home screen:
Touch & hold the icon.
Slide your finger to the new position.
To move between Home screens, slide toward the edge of
the screen. To bump another icon out of the way, slide
slowly into it.
Lift your finger.
The icon drops into its new position.
Change sound settings
Your tablet uses sounds to communicate, including
notifications, alarms, and navigation feedback.
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To customize the sounds your tablet makes, go to Settings
> Device > Sound:
Volumes sets the master volume separately for music,
notifications, and alarms. You can still use the physical
volume control on the tablet to raise or lower volume of
whatever sound is currently playing.
Default notification announces the arrival of notifications
unless you specify a different sound in an individual app.
Touch sounds give audible feedback when you touch
active icons or buttons on the screen.
Screen lock sound is triggered when you unlock the
Change the wallpaper
Touch and hold on an empty part of any home screen.
Select Wallpapers and a selection of thumbnails will
appear. Swipe left or right to browse the available
wallpapers. Tap on one to select it. Choose Set
wallpaper to make the selection your wallpaper.
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Tune Performance
Optimize Battery Life
You can extend your battery’s life between charges by
turning off features that you don’t need. You can also
monitor how apps and system resources consume battery
To control battery settings, go to
Settings > Device >
Extend the life of your battery
If you aren’t using Wi-Fi use the Settings app to turn it off.
Turn down screen brightness and set a shorter sleep
Settings > Device > Display.
If you know you won’t be near a mobile or Wi-Fi network
for a while, switch to Airplane mode: press and hold the
Power button, or go to Settings > Wireless & networks >
More > Airplane mode.
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Check battery level and usage details open Settings >
Device > Battery.
The list at the bottom of the screen shows the breakdown
of battery usage for individual apps and services. Touch a
graph for more details. The details screen for some apps
includes buttons that allow you to adjust settings affecting
power usage, or stop the app completely.
Warning: if you stop some apps or services, your device
may not work correctly.
Battery status (charging, discharging) and level (as a
percentage of fully charged) are displayed at the top of the
The discharge graph shows battery level over time since
you last charged the device, and how long you’ve been
running on battery power.
Use the Settings Apps Screen
The Apps screen allows you to adjust several aspects of the
way your device uses memory. To view these settings, go
to Settings > Wireless & networks > Data usage.
You’ll see three tabs at the top of the screen, each
displaying a list of apps or their components:
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Downloaded. Displays apps you’ve downloaded
Running. Displays all apps, processes, and services that are
currently running or that have cached processes, and how
much RAM they are using.
The graph at the bottom of the Running tab shows the
total RAM in use and the amount free. At the top right of
the screen, touch Show cached processes or Show running
services to switch back and forth.
All. Displays all apps that came with Android and all apps
you downloaded on Google Play or other sources.
To view details about an app or other item listed under any
tab, touch its name. The information and controls available
vary among different types of apps, but commonly include:
Force stop button: stops an app that is misbehaving. stop-
ping an app, process, or service may cause your device to
stop working correctly. You may need to restart your
device after doing this.
Uninstall button: deletes the app and all of its data and
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Disable button: Prevents the app from running, but does
not uninstall it. This option is available for some apps and
services that can’t be uninstalled.
Clear data button: Delete an app’s settings and other data
without removing the app itself.
Clear cache: if the app stores data in a temporary area of
the tablet’s memory, lists how much information is stored,
and includes a button for clearing it.
Launch by default: If you have configured an app to launch
certain file types by default, you can clear that setting
Permissions: Lists the kinds of information about your
tablet and data the app has access to.
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Enter & Edit Text
Use the keyboard
You can enter text using the onscreen keyboard. some
apps open it automatically. in others, you open it by
touching where you want to type.
To make the keyboard go away, touch the modified
back button below it.
Basic editing
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Move the insertion point: Touch where you want to type.
The cursor blinks in the new position, and a green tab
appears below it. Drag the tab to move the cursor.
Select text: Touch & hold or double-tap within the text.
The nearest word highlights, with a tab at each end of the
selection. drag the tabs to change the selection.
The tab disappears after a few moments, to get out of your
way. To make it reappear, touch the text again.
Delete text: Touch
to delete selected text or the
characters before the cursor.
Type capital letters: Touch the shift key once to switch to
capital letters for one letter. Or touch & hold
shift key
while you type. When you release the key, the lowercase
letters reappear.
Turn caps lock on: double-tap or touch & hold
shift key,
so it changes to
. Touch
shift key again to return to
Cut, copy, paste: select the text you want to manipulate.
Then touch Cut, Copy or Paste button:
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Connect to Networks
Wi-Fi is a wireless networking technology that can provide
internet access at distances of up to 100 meters,
depending on the Wi-Fi router and your surroundings.
To use Wi-Fi, you connect to a wireless access point, or
“hotspot.” Some hotspots are open and you can simply
connect to them. Others implement security features that
require other steps to set up, such as digital certificates or
other ways to ensure that only authorized users can
To extend the life of your battery between charges, turn
off Wi-Fi when you’re not using it. You can also set your
device to disconnect automatically from Wi-Fi networks
when it’s sleeping.
To work with Wi-Fi settings, go to
Settings > Wireless
& networks > Wi-Fi.
Turn Wi-Fi on & connect to a Wi-Fi network
If you’re adding a Wi-Fi network when first setting up your
device touch
Settings > Wireless & networks > Wi-Fi.
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Slide the Wi-Fi switch to the on position.
The device scans for available Wi-Fi networks and displays
the names of those it finds. Secured networks are
indicated with a Lock icon. If the device finds a network
that you connected to previously, it connects to it.
Touch a network name to see more details or connect to it,
and type a password if necessary or, if your Wi-Fi router
supports Wi-Fi Protected setup, touch the WPs icon on
your tablet, and then touch the same button on your
To modify a network’s settings, touch & hold the network
Add a Wi-Fi network
You can add a Wi-Fi network so your device will remember
it, along with any security credentials, and connect to it
automatically when it’s in range. You must also add a Wi-Fi
network if the network does not broadcast its name (ssid),
or to add a Wi-Fi network when you are out of range.
To join a secured network, you first need to learn security
details from the network’s administrator.
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Turn on Wi-Fi, if it’s not already on. Touch the
icon at the top of the screen. Enter the ssid (name) of the
network. if necessary, enter security or other network
configuration details. Touch Save.
The information about the network is saved. Your device
will connect to this network automatically the next time
you come within range.
Forget a Wi-Fi network
You can make the tablet forget about the details of a Wi-Fi
network that you added—for example, if you don’t want
the tablet to connect to it automatically or if it’s a network
that you no longer use.
Turn on Wi-Fi, if it’s not already on. In the Wi-Fi settings
screen, touch the name of the network. Touch Forget in
the dialog that opens.
Configure proxy settings for a Wi-Fi network
Some network administrators require you to connect to
internal or external network resources via a proxy server.
by default, the Wi-Fi networks you add are not configured
to connect via a proxy, but you can change that for each
Wi-Fi network you’ve added.
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Proxy settings are used by browser but may not be used by
other apps.
Touch & hold a network in the list of Wi-Fi networks you’ve
added. Touch Modify network in the dialog that opens.
Select Show advanced options. If the network has no
proxy settings, touch none under Proxy settings, then
touch Manual in the menu that opens. Enter the proxy
settings supplied by your network administrator. Touch
The proxy settings apply only to the Wi-Fi network you
To change the proxy settings for other Wi-Fi networks,
modify them individually.
Set Wi-Fi Notifications, Disconnect Policy, & Other
Advanced Options
To work with advanced Wi-Fi settings:
Turn on Wi-Fi, if it’s not already on. In the Wi-Fi settings
screen, touch
Menu icon > Advanced.
These are the settings you can adjust:
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Network notification: by default, when Wi-Fi is on, you re-
ceive notifications in the Status bar when your device de-
tects an open Wi-Fi network. uncheck this option to turn
off notifications.
Keep Wi-Fi during sleep: To conserve mobile data usage,
your device stays connected to Wi-Fi when the screen goes
to sleep.
Touch this option to change this default behavior: either to
stay connected to Wi-Fi only when the device is connected
to a charger (when battery life isn’t a problem), or never to
stay connected to Wi-Fi during sleep.
This screen also displays the following information:
MAC address: The Media Access Control (MAC) address of
your device when connected to a Wi-Fi network.
IP address: The internet Protocol (IP) address assigned to
the device by the Wi-Fi network you are connected to
(unless you used the IP settings to assign it a static IP
To turn Wi-Fi on or off, go to
Settings > Wireless &
networks > Wi-Fi.
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To manage mobile data options, go to
Settings >
Wireless & networks > Data usage.
Connect to Virtual Private Networks
Virtual private networks (VPNs) allow you to connect to
the resources inside a secured local network, from outside
that network. VPNs are commonly deployed by
corporations, schools, and other institutions to let people
access local network resources when not on campus, or
when connected to a wireless network.
To configure VPN access, you must first obtain the details
from your network administrator. Depending on your
organization’s solution, you may need to obtain a VPN app
from your administrator.
The VPN settings screen allows you to add VPN networks
and adjust their settings. To view this screen and perform
the tasks described here, go to Settings > Wireless &
networks > More > VPN.
Add a VPN
From the VPN screen, touch Add VPN profile.
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In the form that appears, fill in the information provided by
your network administrator. Touch Save. The VPN is added
to the list on the VPN screen.
Connect to a VPN
From the VPN screen, touch the name of the VPN. In the
dialog that opens, enter any requested credentials. Touch
When you’re connected to a VPN, a Status icon and
notification are displayed continuously. To disconnect,
touch the notification for the VPN connection.
Edit a VPN
From the VPN screen, touch & hold the name of the VPN
profile. In the dialog that opens, touch Edit profile. Edit the
VPN settings you want. Touch Save.
Delete a VPN
From the VPN screen, touch & hold the name of the VPN
profile. Touch & hold the VPN you want to delete. In the
dialog that opens, touch Delete profile.
Control Airplane Mode & Other Network Settings
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These settings are available under Settings > Wireless &
More. Follow the links for detailed
Airplane Mode. Check to turn off all data transmission
from the device.
VPN. Touch to adjust settings that allow you to connect to
websites and other resources within a secured local
network from outside that network. see “Connect to
virtual private networks” on page 59.
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Connect to Keyboards, Mice, &
Other Devices
You can connect a keyboard, mouse, or even a joystick or
other input device to your tablet via usb and use it just as
you would with a PC.
You may need the provided adapter to connect the
keyboard or other device to your tablet’s USB port. To
connect more than one USB device at a time, use a
powered usb hub to reduce the drain on your tablet’s
In addition to entering text, you can use your keyboard to
navigate your tablet’s features:
Use the arrow keys to select items on screen.
Pressing Return when an item is selected is equivalent to
touching that item.
Pressing escape is equivalent to touching back.
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Press Tab or Shift-Tab to move from field to field in a form
or other screen with multiple text fields.
When you connect a mouse to your tablet and move the
mouse, an arrow-shaped cursor appears, just as on a
Use the mouse to move the cursor.
Clicking, pressing, and dragging with the mouse button is
equivalent to touching, touching & holding, and dragging
with your finger. Only one mouse button is supported. If
your mouse has a trackball or scroll wheel, you can use it
to scroll both vertically and horizontally.
Other Input Devices
You can connect joysticks, gamepads, and other input
devices to your tablet. if they work without special drivers
or adapters on your PC, they will likely work with your
tablet. However, games and other apps must be designed
to support any special features of an input device, such as
dedicated buttons or other controls, to take full advantage
of them.
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Connect to a Computer
Connect to a Windows Computer via USB
You can use a usb cable to connect your tablet to a
Windows computer and transfer music, pictures, and other
files in both directions. This connection uses the MTP
protocol, which is supported by most recent versions of
When you connect your tablet to the usb port on your
computer, its usb storage is mounted as a drive and
appears on your computer screen. You can now copy files
back and forth as you would using any other external
When you’re finished, simply disconnect the tablet by
unplugging the usb cable.
To change your tablet’s USB connection options, go to
Settings > Device > Storage > Menu > USB computer
Connect to a Macintosh computer via USB
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You can use a usb cable to connect your tablet to a
computer running Mac OS X with a usb cable and transfer
music, pictures, and other files in both directions.
This connection uses the MTP protocol, which is not
supported by Mac OS X natively. Therefore, you first need
to install the free Android File Transfer application on your
how to install it.
After you install Android File Transfer, follow these steps:
1. If you are using Android File Transfer for the first time,
double-click it to open it.
After you start Android File Transfer once, it opens
automatically whenever you connect your device to your
2. Connect your device to your computer with a usb cable.
Android File Transfer starts, if it’s not already running, and
opens a window that displays the contents of your device,
along with storage space details at the bottom of the
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You work with this window much as if it were a Finder
window: opening and closing folders, creating new folders,
and dragging files to or from it and other Finder windows.
Disconnect the USB cable when you’re finished.
To change your tablet’s USB connection options, go to
Settings > Device > Storage > Menu > USB computer
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Manage Accounts
Add or remove accounts
You can use multiple Google Accounts and Microsoft
exchange Activesync accounts on your device. You may
also be able to add other kinds of accounts, depending on
your apps. Some you can add in the Accounts section of
settings, as described here. Others you add using an app
that works with those kinds of accounts.
For example, you can add IMAP and POP3 email accounts
with the email app.
To reach the settings described here, start from
Settings > Accounts.
Add an Account
To add some accounts, you may need to obtain details
from system administrator about the service to which the
account connects. For example, you may need to know the
account’s domain or server address.
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Go to Settings > Accounts > Add account. Touch the kind
of account to add. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Most accounts require a username and password, but the
details depend on the kind of account and the
configuration of the service you’re connecting to.
Depending on the kind of account, you may be asked to
configure what kinds of data you want to sync, name the
account, and other details.
When you’re finished, the account is added in one of two
Google Accounts show up under Settings > Accounts >
Other accounts show up under Accounts on the main
settings screen.
Remove an Account
You can remove any account and all information
associated with it from your device, including email,
contacts, settings, and so on.
To remove a Google account, touch Menu > remove
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For any other type of account go, to Settings > Accounts >
account-name and look for the Remove option.
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Change Backup & Reset Options
You can back up settings and other data associated with
one or more of your Google Accounts. if you need to
replace or factory reset your device, you can restore your
data for any accounts that were previously backed up.
To view the settings described here, go to
Settings >
Backup & Reset.
These options are available:
Back Up My Data. If you check this option, a wide variety
of your personal data is backed up automatically, including
your Wi-Fi passwords, Browser bookmarks, a list of the
apps you’ve installed, the words you’ve added to the dic-
tionary used by the onscreen keyboard, and most of your
customized settings. some third-party apps may also take
advantage of this feature, so you can restore your data if
you reinstall an app. If you uncheck this option, your data
stops getting backed up, and any existing backups are
deleted from Google servers.
Backup Account. Displays the Google Accounts whose
information gets backed up. You must sign in with one or
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more of these accounts on a new or reset device to
retrieve the associated information.
To add a new account, touch Backup account > Add
Automatic restore. Check this option to restore settings
and other data when you reinstall an app. This feature
requires that you are backing up your data with your
Google Account and that the app is using the backup
Factory data reset. Touch this option, then reset tablet to
erase all your personal data from internal storage,
including information about your Google Account, any
other accounts, your system and app settings, any
downloaded applications, and your music, photos, videos,
and other files.
After resetting your tablet, you’ll need to re-enter the
same information requested when you first set up your
tablet. If you’ve been backing up your data to a Google
account, an option during the setup process allows you to
restore it. Some third-party apps also make use of the
backup service, so if you reinstall one, its settings and data
are restored.
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Secure Your Tablet
Set Screen Lock
Depending how you use your tablet, you may want to set
some form of automatic screen lock to prevent
unauthorized access. If a screen lock has been set, the
screen locks when your tablet’s display goes to sleep.
If your tablet’s playing music when the screen locks, you
can continue listening or pause the selection without
To adjust your lock settings:
1. Go to
Settings > Personal > Security > Screen lock.
2. Touch the type of lock you want and follow the onscreen
instructions. If you have previously set a lock, you must
enter the pattern, PIN, or password to unlock the lock
You can choose among these lock options, listed in
approximate order of strength:
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Slide provides no protection, but lets you get to the Home
screen quickly, or open Camera and start taking pictures
Pattern lets you draw a simple pattern with your finger to
unlock the phone. This is more secure than Slide unlock.
PIN requires four or more numbers. Longer PINs tend to be
more secure.
Password requires four or more letters or numbers. This is
the most secure option, as long as you create a strong
Password tips: For best security, specify a password that is
at least 8 characters long, contains a mixture of numbers,
letters, and special symbols and doesn’t contain any
recognizable words or phrases.
To change when your phone goes to sleep, go to Settings
> Device > Display > Sleep.
To see your passwords when you input them, go to
Settings > Personal > Security > Make passwords visible.
Encrypt your Tablet
You can encrypt all the data on your tablet: Google
Accounts, app data, music and other media, downloaded
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information, and so on. if you do, you must enter a
numeric PIN or password each time you turn on your
tablet. Note that this is the same PIN or password that you
use to unlock your tablet without encryption, and cannot
be set independently.
Warning: encryption is irreversible. The only way to revert
to an unencrypted tablet is to perform a factory data reset,
which erases all your data.
Encryption provides additional protection in case your
tablet is stolen, and may be required or recommended in
some organizations. Consult your system administrator
before turning it on. in many cases the PIN or password
you set for encryption is controlled by the system
Before turning on encryption, prepare as follows:
Set a lock screen PIN or password.
Charge the battery.
Plug in your tablet.
Schedule an hour or more for the encryption process: you
must not interrupt it or you will lose some or all of your
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When you’re ready to turn on encryption: Touch Settings >
Personal > Security > Encryption > Encrypt tablet.
Read the information about encryption carefully.
The Encrypt Tablet button is dimmed if your battery’s not
charged or your tablet’s not plugged in. If you change your
mind about encrypting your tablet, touch the back button.
Warning: if you interrupt the encryption process, you will
lose data.
Touch Encrypt tablet.
Enter your lock screen PIN or password and touch
Touch Encrypt Tablet again.
The encryption process starts and displays its progress.
encryption can take an hour or more, during which time
your tablet may restart several times.
When encryption is complete, you’re prompted to enter
your PIN or password. subsequently, you must enter your
PIN or password each time you power on your tablet, to
decrypt it.
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Work with Certificates
You can use digital certificates to identify your device for a
variety of purposes, including VPN or Wi-Fi network access
as well as authentication to servers by apps such as email
or browser. To use a certificate to identify your device, you
must obtain it with help from your system administrator,
and install it in your device’s trusted credential storage .
Android supports DER-encoded X.509 certificates, saved in
files with a .crt or .cer file extension. If your certificate file
has a .der or other extension, you must change it to .crt or
.cer or you won’t be able to install it.
Android also supports X.509 certificates saved in PKCS#12
key store files with a .p12 or .pfx extension. If your key
store has some other extension, you much change it to
.p12 or .pfx or you won’t be able to install it. When you
install a certificate from a PKCS#12 key store, Android also
installs any accompanying private key or certificate
authority certificates.
Install Client & CA Certificates
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To install a certificate from your tablet’s internal storage:
Copy the certificate or key store from your computer to
the root of your device’s internal storage (that is, not in a
Settings > Personal > Security > Credential
storage > Install from storage.
Touch the filename of the certificate or keystore to install.
Only certificates that you haven’t already installed are
displayed. If prompted, enter the key store password and
touch OK. Enter a name for the certificate and touch OK.
Typically, a CA certificate included with a client certificate
is installed at the same time. You can also install separate
CA certificates using the same steps.
if you have not already set a pattern, PIN, or password for
your device, you’re prompted to set one up. The type of
lock that’s acceptable may be predetermined by your
system administrator.
You can now use the certificate that you installed when
connecting to a secure network or for client authentication
with email, Browser, and third-party apps. After
certificate is installed successfully, the copy in storage is
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Warning: Apps such as email and browser that support
certificates allow you to install certificates directly from
within the app. For details, see the Help or other instruc-
tions that come with each app.
Work with CA Certificates
If a certificate authority (CA) certificate gets compromised,
or for some other reason your organization doesn’t want
to trust it, you can disable or remove it. To do so, follow
these steps:
1. Touch
Settings > Personal > Security > Credential
storage >Trusted credentials. The trusted credentials
screen has two tabs:
System displays certificate authority (CA) certificates that
are permanently installed in the RoM of your tablet.
User displays any CA certificates that you have installed
yourself, for example in the process of installing a client
To examine the details of CA certificate, touch its name. A
scrolling screen displays the details.
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To remove or disable a CA certificate, scroll down to the
bottom of the details screen and touch either Disable for
system certificates or remove for user certificates.
When you disable a system CA certificate, the button at
the bottom of its details screen changes to Enable, so you
can enable the certificate again if necessary. When you
user-installed CA certificate, it is gone
permanently and must be re-installed if you want it back.
In the confirmation dialog that appears, click OK.
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Safety Information
The battery is not intended to be replaced by the consumer. If you
believe the battery is damaged or needs to be replaced, contact
Visual Land customer support for inspection and/or replacement.
Do not let the battery come in contact with liquids.
Do not place your device near a heat source or leave it in your car in
high temperatures.
Do not dispose of the battery in a fire.
Avoid dropping device.
Never use any charger or battery that is damaged in any way. Use
only the provided charger which is specifically designed for your
Do not use if screen is cracked or broken as this could cause injury
to you.
Please note that a touch screen responds best to a light touch from
the pad of your finger or a non-metallic, no sharp stylus. Using
excessive force or hard or sharp objects when pressing on the touch
screen may damage the tempered glass surface and void the
Do not set the volume at its highest levels when using headphones.
Prolonged exposure to loud noise could damage your hearing.
FCC Compliance
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC RF
radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This
transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any
other antenna or transmitter.
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